Contrary to
what some commentators are arguing, the coming referendum on the alternative vote IS of interest to the electorate. Although the specifics and the spirit of the upcoming poll don't seem to have permeated as widely as a general election, this shouldn't indicate an absolute disinterest on behalf of the general public.
If there is anything to be gained from a referendum on the voting system it should be completely the opposite. It should affirm for an increasingly unsure people that Westminster isn't a concretised and stale system, but one that is relevant and should work for us. If asking us about the voting system shores up a more comfortable response from the public - even if the available options are slight - then it is a undertaking worth embracing.
Topicality Is All In Journalism is the distillation of current affairs, news articles and items of cultural note into poster designs and written commentary. It has been devised to promote the level-headed and rational sentiments made by others in reaction to current happenings – be them local, national, international or universal.
The aim is to have a constant stream of visual output that draws from the range of topics being discussed in the public realm. The posters are designed to play with the conventions of advertisements and other public visual material as a means of presenting unexpected motifs within a mostly commercialised realm of printed communication output.
Visitors are actively encouraged to participate by promoting the opinions they feel an affinity with by printing copies of the posters to display in their area.
The Topicality posters will soon be available to order as digital prints and to download as high resolution digital files in a not-for-profit capacity.
This project is run in-conjunction with the National Diplomatic Rhetoric’s ongoing poster campaign to encourage public thought and debate through material that attempts at a neutral and honest communication of facts and ideas.
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